: Spot the lizard…

: I love this guy’s video essays about photography. They feel warm, wise and encouraging of all types …

: When I was in Siem Reap recently, I had this amazing vegan hamburger and chips. So tasty and so …

: Somehow the airport coffee in Melbourne is better than any Italian style coffee in Singapore.

: Nice article from the verge about how the internet still has a chance to not be a complete …

: Don’t Play Near Black Holes - Some blackholes are stubborn :)

: Finished reading: The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera 📚 A boy gets his shadow cut off …

: slippery The way to do what you want is to do what you don’t want just a little longer* *how long? TBA …

: Overcast Gardens

: My first time trying some longer exposures. I can see there is a learning curve :). 1m20s with a …

: The sun punches through the tropical haze across the Johore Straights

: Temple at night. Johor Bahru, Malaysia

: Yes, I am surrounded by Singaporeans and Malaysians. Yes, I - an Australian - have used ‘lah’ in a …

: What I love about Emacs and Lisp for my own computer projects is that it’s a peaceful back water. …

: Singapore Botanical Gardens may well be one of the most amazing places I have ever seen. More to …

: Red Junglefowl presented without comment.

: Sky tweezers / war memorial obelisk

: In the midst of lines and crossed purposes, the buildings struggle to remember they are buildings. …

: I feel like the only redeeming part of lawn care is being able to use a tool called a “whipper …

: Many problems need massive effort to fix. Others we can solve if we just stop. learn about farm …

: Finding a Sense of Place When I left my childhood town, I didn’t make a new home. The city I moved to, and the many …

: e-motions Are they precisely made and rolling Down the conveyor belt into me Are they calculated …

: Finished reading: The Shattered Goddess by Darrell Schweitzer 📚 I’ve read this book many …

: Spotted some dragons, while out and about!
